
DET launches Dubai Sustainable Tourism Stamp for hotels

DET launches Dubai Sustainable Tourism Stamp for hotels

The initiative aims to support the UAE’s Net Zero 2050 goal

Dubai’s Department of Economy and Tourism (DET) has launched the Dubai Sustainable Tourism Stamp, designed to accelerate efforts towards achieving the sector's sustainability goals and support the UAE’s Net Zero 2050 initiative. 

The Dubai Sustainable Tourism Stamp will serve as a validation of a hotel's dedication to sustainability and showcase its sustainable practices. 

To obtain the stamp, hotels of all classifications must meet 19 sustainability requirements, which include criteria covering energy and water efficiency, waste management programmes, and staff education and engagement initiatives. 

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The accreditation process will be overseen by a committee of senior industry professionals to ensure integrity and independence. The stamp will feature a three-tier scheme with categories ranging from Gold, Silver and Bronze, and hotels can apply to obtain the Dubai Sustainable Tourism Stamp from 3 to 31 August 2023.


DET acting CEO of Corporate Strategy and Performance sector Yousuf Lootah said: “The Dubai Sustainable Tourism Stamp champions sustainable practices while setting a benchmark for excellence in environmental stewardship, aligned with the goals of the Dubai Economic Agenda 2033. 

"We have carefully curated a set of high standard criteria that will reward hotels that go above and beyond in their sustainable practices. By recognising these exemplary establishments, we are encouraging others to follow suit and embrace sustainable initiatives that not only benefit their businesses but also contribute to the collective well-being of our city and the world at large.”

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